It is undoubtedly possible to make this, but it can take a long time. If we make a copy-paste of code from Wolfram Mathematica, the problem arises that a rather large code should be transferred along the lines in the Visual Studio. The cons is that you have to use two development environments for development. The pros is that complex mathematical calculations can be written in Wolram Mathematica. I often use Visual Studio to develop the interface, and Wolfram Mathematica to handle computations. However, it has a number of problems that I ran into after. In my last article, I described the simplest example of integrating Wolfram Mathematica and Visual Studio. The synergistic effect of this approach is achieved by using the advantages of the language in those parts for which the chosen language will be most effective and compensating for the shortcomings in those where it is best to use another language. In such systems, for different tasks for different parts, the programming language is chosen, by means of which the best result is achieved. Projects using multiple programming languages open up new possibilities for designing software systems. Open the Applications folder and double-click Mathematica. Outdated languages are in no hurry to leave our technologies, programs have been written with a lot of solutions in them, and they continue to work. A number of languages already exist and new ones continue to appear. Nowadays, we don't have programming languages that would equally well solve all problems of software systems.